Happy Anniversary Dag and Blondie!
In case you missed it, here's the behind-the-scenes story.
And today's one-panel celebration:

Looks a lot like the final pan of characters from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", doesn't it? We've seen nothing like it in the funny pages and this whole promotion was a delightful change of pace. I have to say, however, that the ending seems a little anti-climatic, like somehow I expected more.
First off, I hope they do put all of the participating comics into some kind of book - I didn't catch all of the cameos in the various strips. Looking at the number of characters standing around the pedestal, I have to wonder, "didn't they invite more?" And even still, "what happened to some of the people they invited?" Where's Ted Forth? Where's Helga? I see one Lockhorn, but where's the wife? Where's Mother Goose? Where's Fat Broad? Where's The Wizard of Id? Does Hi look wasted or what? Who is that just above Cathy?
I'm glad Curtis is there - there are no other "toons of color" to be seen!
Good to see Dilbert there, along with Tiger, Flash Gordon, Dick Tracy (what, no Rex Morgan?), but it seems like many are missing. I was sort of expecting a panel that expanded and included so many darn characters that the other strips shrunk in size or something colossal like that. Well-phooey.
It is pretty cool though. So Happy Anniversary to you two - as far as I'm concerned, the torch has already been passed to the couple exchanging funny lines in the upper left hand corner!
There must be a toon celebrity green room just out of sight - yeah, that's it!
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