I'm just gonna have to make a category here for "Blondie" - every day, there's something funny going on - like "Where's Waldo?", but not as annoying.
Hagar The Horrible meets up with Dagwood in "Blondie", and I gotta say this brings up a point about the different styles being applied to the characters in this multi-strip romp. It would seem that in some of the clips, the characters as drawn by their own artists are pasted into one of the "Blondie" stock backgrounds. However, when the "Blondie" characters wander into other strips, they are drawn as that strip's artist(s) would render them. So it was great to see Dagwood as envisioned by "The Family Circus" today as well as Hagar, who looked, well, rather good as drawn by another artist. I wonder if this will result in any stepping-on of toes? I wonder if I'm thinking about this too much? Nah!
Thanks to "Sherman's Lagoon", the phrase "very angry shiny toast" is now a part of my phrase dictionary. Hoo-hah!
And for some strips, you just gotta say "I grok."

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