Monday, August 08, 2005

Hawai'i HA!

"Luann" and her mom are in Hawai'i this week, pretty quick move considering a one-day comic convention was stretched out over the course of two weeks. They appear to be on the island of Oahu, judging by what looks like Diamondhead in the panel background - so they'd be frolicking on Waikiki Beach.

I know Luann is dying to see Aaron Hill while she's there - but I'm hoping that something more substantial comes out of this vacation. Hawai'i is currently roiling over the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that Kamehameha Schools' Hawaiians-only admissions policy as unlawful.

Keeping in mind that this was an autonomous kingdom until President William McKinley, citing Manifest Destiny, basically "conquered" the islands in 1998, annexing them as property of the United States. Thus began an ongoing trial of the Hawaiian people, who first endured their land being stolen from them, and then watched as anglo businessmen began to expand their interests on their island paradise. So this latest intrusion by the U.S. Government is particularly egregious, and has caused an uproar due to the fact that it treads on very iffy ground: you can take the people's land, but can you take the people's right to ethnic sovereignity?

I know - heavy for the funnies, but I'm still hoping that "Luann" rises to the challenge instead of portraying Hawai'i, once again, as just an idyllic island paradise with happy locals and no worries. Timing is everything...


Blogger Miss Marisol said...

It's such a shame that this ruling may jeopardize the preservation of the Kamehameha's educational culture.

I'm back from my vacation...sorry I haven't been commenting. I have a month of reading to catch up on.

6:06 PM  

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