Radical Toons
Today's "Blondie"
"Frank and Ernest" make an appearance today, leaving me to wonder how Young and Lebrun went about choosing the top number of strip characters who would actually get space within "Blondie" panels? It's one of those situations where if you don't choose someone, they get their feelings hurt? (Forget about not getting invited to the party - all of that intense invite woolgathering that the couple went through was probably not far off from the actual truth of things.)
"Hagar The Horrible" has seemingly done what no other strip has done (that I know of), which is publish two strips in a row about the upcoming celebration. Two days of utter happiness for the viking couple? What ever will they do when this is all over? Depression sinks in.
In Other Comics"
Gotta love the rotten Apple logo on Mother Goose's laptop today.
This new character in "Baldo" just might emerge as a running commentary on the current state of affairs in America. "Baldo" has done a masterful job of balancing ethnicity with social awareness and just plain ol' funniness - but this kid with the glasses signals perhaps some more cutting edge satire in the funny pages.
Now, I've been a fan of Ward Sutton for quite some time - the man knows no bounds and no fear when it comes to America. Another great satirist is Tom Tomorrow of This Modern World. Both are edgy, alternative, not-ready-for-mainstream and absolutely on the mark. No apologies for getting all political on ya - but it's the life in which we live - hang on!

WHEW! We all feel better now?
Thank god for Ward Sutton and Ted Rall and Tom Tomorrow...I get to read them once a week in the Village Voice and it just pleases me to no end that they have a proper medium to express what a lot of us are thinking.
MSN removed Ted Rall's comic about Pat Tillman last year because they felt it was offensive. Or, perhaps, too truthful.
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