Saturday Fun
Today's "Blondie"
It's difficult to tell if Sarge and Beetle Bailey were drawn by their creators or by Young and Lebrun, they look pretty "on-key." But then again, these guys go way back and probably pals. (The cartoonists, maybe not the characters.)
Of course, there's no doubt that Dag and Blondie are being interpreted by The Walkers in "Hi and Lois" - it's easy to accept the appearance of either until you start seeing them drawn by other people, then it's "dude, what IS up with that haircut?"
In Other Comics...
"Sally Forth" DRAMA! What's the deal? Is Hilary simply upset or is she physically hurt? Does that jaw look swollen? It's rare for this strip to be so perfunctory in its presentation (and so rare to see Sally sort of speechless..)
In so many "Peanuts" strips, the mastery of Schulz was to make silence funny. In the past week, Snoopy's attempts to engage bugs with a smile were hysterical - and the ongoing theme of toasting marshmallows has been a treat, especially today as Linus and Charlie Brown observe the itinerant beagle placing his freshly cooked treats into an off-panel freezer. (Funny, I don't remember ever seeing this series either - I'm still of the mind that Schulz has probably years of unreleased strips just waiting to delight.)
I don't know the name of the poor angry pooch in "Mutts" who is always chained up in the yard (according to the "Mutts" official web site, it's simply "Guard Dog", poor fella) but when Mooch gives him a sea-shell as a gift from his vacation, the dog is at first insulting, and then grateful in a poignant panel that shows him holding the shell to his ear with a smile by the light of the moon. Did I mention how much I love "Mutts"?
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