Need To Laugh
Today's "Blondie"
Is "Fat Broad" really the name of the snake-whacking character from "B.C."? Did I just see Blondie nearly naked in the bathtub? Is this a surreal week or what?
"Hagar The Horrible" simply wins the prize for theme, having paid homage to "Blondie" in every single strip this week. It appears that the party has started early in today's - and then Chris Browne goes a step further and adds in a few other characters in a nice touch. I'm wondering if he drew the other characters - because they all look just perfect. (I'm voting 'not'. Must be on loan from the Toon Union.)
In Other Comics
Usually, "Bound and Gagged" is a snicker for me, but today's one panel jobber was a much-needed laugh in the face of all the angst and heartbreak.

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