Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's Getting Hot In Here...

Did someone turn the heat on? Can we win some air-conditioning? From "9 Chickweed Lane"

Lord, have mercy.

In other news: when Snoopy does the Suppertime Dance, the whole world sings. True laugh-out loud funny, so what's up with Snoopy's Greatist Hits recently? Vulture, World War II Fighting Ace, The Whole Lucy Stay has been like mug-city. Keep 'em comin'!

Rip-snortin' giggles for "Garfield" - for anyone who's suddenly walked into a spider web and started doing what Jon's doing in the second panel. HAH! The words "so out of here!" spring to mind.

I weep for Brad. I weep for Reddy.

I predicted chaos at the Patterson House and I'm just ready to pull up a chair and watch the fireworks. Have you ever just felt something stupid-funny was just around the corner? When I introduced my cats to my wife's dogs, it was an adventure of a different kind. Far as I can tell, Shiimsa hasn't been declawed and has no idea what a dog is. The sideshow is about to begin.....


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