Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Comical Cahoots Part Deux

Though not together on the page, this occurence seems remarkable for its visionary spectrum. "Bound and Gagged" features two dogs staring at a white picket line with one saying "this is so embarassing, I'm the last one with a visible fence!"

Down below in "The Middletons", an orange tabby walks out into air ala Wile E. Coyote and then plummets to the ground as a nearby cat says to another "he's still trying to walk on that invisible fence."

Maybe these two strips are juxtaposed somewhere, making this even more highly amusing and interesting, but for those of us on the lookout for comic collusion, this sort of thing sticks right out there.

The "Family Circus" take on the Pledge of Allegiance is rib-tickling, especially today's entry "and to the Republic for witches dance...." - guess that one's got some evangelicals freaking out today!

Is Miss Buxley from "Beetle Bailey" Toni Daytona's mom? Jes' wonderin'.


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