Monday, June 20, 2005

Thanks Marisol!

For turning me on to "Sherman's Lagoon" - I'm actually starting to see it in some papers as we travel around, but it's funny enough to seek out on the web while here at home.

One of the things that's endearing about "Mutts" is how it resembles old Segar "Popeye" cartoons. I wonder if that was an inspiration?

"9 Chickweed Lane" is absolutely brilliant - today's conversation is loaded to the gills. It seems like it's nothing, but when you consider that Amos and Emma are childhood friends contemplating the implications of being in love (and physically attracted to each other), it becomes clear that comedy is indeed just truth through a filter.


Blogger Miss Marisol said...

Hey...anytime. It's usually good for a chuckle.

I really love "Mutts." It's incredibly touching and funny.

Did you catch the Peanuts throwback to Snoopy acting like a vulture. I used to love when he did that. It's just brilliant drawing.

How was your gig?

8:40 PM  
Blogger Bing Futch said...

Snoopy's a trip - Schulz imbued him with the greatest personality. He doesn't even have to say a word to be drop-dead funny. Have you ever gotten a stitch in your side while trying to share some Snoopiness with someone? I just about died when I saw the vulture this week - with that crazed "Wild Turkey" look in his eyes, reminds me of a bassist I once knew.

Speaking of bassists, the gig was fantabulous. We played for two and a half hours, met a lot of very cool people and sold many CD's. I likes 'em like that!

11:58 AM  

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