Friday, September 30, 2005


Heh-heh, I guess I forgot to mention that I was going to be in Seattle all week, so I sort of dropped out of sight for a week - but the paper in Seattle sort of proved to me that I live in a very "safe" town for funnies.

Notable this week, however, is the running "Luann" thread about the various pairs of friends noticing how different they are. It's notable because they say that "opposites attract" ("they" also say that "familiarity breeds contempt", so what does that say about most relationships?) and it certainly seems as though every pair of friends are exactly that: opposites. Just when you think you've got a comic strip pegged, it goes and gets all profound on you.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

9 Chickweed Lane: L.A. Gets It!

As a person owned by cats ("cat owner" just doesn't seem to cut the catnip), this strip brought forth a babbling brook of laughter today; much needed!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


We interrupt this string of political comics to bring you this special report. We LIKE Baldo as a superhero! We now return you to your regularly scheduled ambivalence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Fudd-y Business

Monday, September 19, 2005


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Babs and Bubba

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Two For Hump Day

Monday, September 12, 2005


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Now THAT'S Funny! (Sorta)

Friday, September 09, 2005


The wife and I are heading to Seattle in two weeks. Not looking forward to running the gauntlet of TSA's at the airport because invariably I'M the guy with the funny hair that gets selected for "random" pat-down. I'm toying with the idea of just volunteering, or showing up naked.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Worn Out

I'm sort of speechless and worn out lately (must've been all that "Blondie" watching, j/k), so a little "verbal vacation" is in order with simply some selections from the toon pool picked daily, diligently:

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Happy Anniversary Dag and Blondie!

In case you missed it, here's the behind-the-scenes story.

And today's one-panel celebration:

Looks a lot like the final pan of characters from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", doesn't it? We've seen nothing like it in the funny pages and this whole promotion was a delightful change of pace. I have to say, however, that the ending seems a little anti-climatic, like somehow I expected more.

First off, I hope they do put all of the participating comics into some kind of book - I didn't catch all of the cameos in the various strips. Looking at the number of characters standing around the pedestal, I have to wonder, "didn't they invite more?" And even still, "what happened to some of the people they invited?" Where's Ted Forth? Where's Helga? I see one Lockhorn, but where's the wife? Where's Mother Goose? Where's Fat Broad? Where's The Wizard of Id? Does Hi look wasted or what? Who is that just above Cathy?


I'm glad Curtis is there - there are no other "toons of color" to be seen!

Good to see Dilbert there, along with Tiger, Flash Gordon, Dick Tracy (what, no Rex Morgan?), but it seems like many are missing. I was sort of expecting a panel that expanded and included so many darn characters that the other strips shrunk in size or something colossal like that. Well-phooey.

It is pretty cool though. So Happy Anniversary to you two - as far as I'm concerned, the torch has already been passed to the couple exchanging funny lines in the upper left hand corner!

There must be a toon celebrity green room just out of sight - yeah, that's it!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Down To The Wire

Today's "Blondie"

Seems like Young and Lebrun are big fans of "The Wizard of Id", doesn't it? It appears that more characters from that strip have been featured throughout the ongoing "Blondie" anniversary plot than any other, with "Beetle Bailey" characters coming in a close second. Maybe they all went to school together. (The artists, not the characters - although it would make some sense.)

Snert attempting to pick up Daisy in "Hagar The Horrible" is pretty classic - I don't think I've ever seen Snert speak anything besides "voof!" (Nor did I know that he was a Viking Water Spaniel, whatever that is.)

Gotta love the subtle plug for tomorrow's big party on the back of Brad's Mad Magazine in today's "Luann."

Hank Ketcham did a really nice job with Dag, Blondie and Daisy in "Dennis The Menace" (and Dennis looks so nice in his little suit!)

I've gotta say - I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's paper!

In Other Comics

GASP! Hilary looks like Kurt Cobain now! Let's see if her mom, "Sally Forth", is going to be down with that program.

Over at Daryl Cagle's site, there are a bunch of Hurricane Katrina cartoons, some reverential and serious, some light-hearted. I picked one that had a certain heft to it.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Need To Laugh

Today's "Blondie"

Is "Fat Broad" really the name of the snake-whacking character from "B.C."? Did I just see Blondie nearly naked in the bathtub? Is this a surreal week or what?

"Hagar The Horrible" simply wins the prize for theme, having paid homage to "Blondie" in every single strip this week. It appears that the party has started early in today's - and then Chris Browne goes a step further and adds in a few other characters in a nice touch. I'm wondering if he drew the other characters - because they all look just perfect. (I'm voting 'not'. Must be on loan from the Toon Union.)

In Other Comics

Usually, "Bound and Gagged" is a snicker for me, but today's one panel jobber was a much-needed laugh in the face of all the angst and heartbreak.