Shutting Down Until Another Time.....
Of course, I realize that seemingly only Marisol really reads this blog (or at least is the only one who interacts) - and she understands what happens when life happens. You have to make adjustments.
So, no sentimental goodbyes - I'll pop in from time to time - but in the interest of streamlining my day-to-day, I've decided to chill with this particular blog. Of course, I'll still read the funnies - life would be simply unbearable without them!
I'll be focusing my efforts on writing, recording and performing music, chasing the almighty dollah, and maintaining my other blogs:
All Florida Indies - it's only updated once a week, but thousands of people, through Apple iTunes and other podcatchers, are tuning in to hear the music of Florida's unsigned bands.
What The Futch? - The voice of dissent and the occasional recipe. I'm just a torchbearer in the neo-revolution, passing along information to help sleepwalking people awaken.
Nowhere, Nevada - The official band blog of Mohave.
Thanksgiving is as good a day as any to hang it up for awhile, but the archives are still here, as well as the links to some of my favorite funnies. If something truly earth-moving comes along, I'll post it - but this is my official intention to stop maintaining FOF on a daily basis. Keep laughing out there....and if you want to be alerted to new posts - by all means, SUBSCRIBE!
From Toon Town,
Oh, darling...I understand. I had no idea you were maintaining so many blogs at once. You must have a computer attached to your face!
I will be checking in at What the Futch because I like dissent. And recipes.
I knew you'd understand. : ) Keeping your bro in my prayers...
Hate to see you stop.
Should I remove your link from my blog, or will you really resume someday?
Hey there - I'll definitely start up again at some point. I'm just swamped - but still reading the funnies and puzzling over them daily.
Thanks for the link!
Thanks for getting back to me via email. I'd already added the link to Futch proper. I'll miss checking in here, I've found your energy and spirit a good boost on occasion.
Thanks again.
Oh, and I can see I'm going to have to brush up on my Hawaiian if I ever plan to visit Florida. ;')
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