Oxygen, please!
First "Mutts" employs "Bing" as a sound effect this week and now "The Middletons" does the same thing. Now, I'm looking for messages between the lines of the funnies (what else is new?)
Laughing out loud til' I'm red-faced, sure doesn't happen often, but I decided to go "off-site" and check out some Linda Barry. It was a ritual of my California high-school days to catch a bus into Westwood, meet up with a friend or two, grab a copy of the L.A. Weekly with some grub and pore over the funny stuff while waiting for our movie to start. "Ernie Pook's Comeek" was guaranteed to make us laugh-til-we-farted, and Barry's lost none of her touch over the past couple of decades. (Feeling old-ish, right about now-ish.) Just reading the words, "Camp Lulu is tailored for the small, moody, vocal, insistent dog!" and "All cabins face each other for maximum window excited-barking!" laid me out this morning in a full-out roar of laughter. Of course, the familiar sketchy line illustrations just take it to the next level. Genius. And so #1! Hey!

You are the sound du Jour, Bing!
It's starting to get creepy. I'm starting to feel like Roy Neary in "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind", staring at plates of mashed potatoes thinking "this means something!"
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