Monday, April 25, 2005


We were on a road trip this weekend, so I was too tired to catch up with Sunday funnies, but it was well-worth it. "Zits" keeps upping the ante in style, breaking conventions artistically and always pushing the "funny-as-truth" button.

On the other side of the spectrum, even as a person of African descent, I just don't buy into the cultural humor of "Boondocks." Sunday's two-panel strip about white folks knowing how to make nice foliage; it just left me with a "whaa?" dangling off my lips.
Was it supposed to be funny or was it supposed to be a statement of some sort?

I dunno - there have been some good "Boondocks" in my opinion, but those seem to be the ones that leave race out of the picture.

Monday Morning:

"Shelter Stories", a sometimes feature in "Mutts", knows how to be funny and heartwarming all at the same time. I'm betting that this strip has done more for pet adoptions than even your local chapter of the Humane Society. Great work!

"The Pied Piper's Greatest Hits on iPod" in "Bound and Gagged"; whatta scream!

And now I present for your consideration, the wrath of Berniece and Luann - coming to a Gunther near you. Poor boy, he looks as if he's going to break down. The next strip should be interesting in "Luann".

A simul-comic alert! As "Baldo" and "Sally Forth" both deal with not only cereal boxes, but YELLOW cereal boxes. (Okay, it's odd in my universe, what about yours?)

And "Mother Goose and Grimm" hits a home run with a one-panel gag about "Bozotox" and its negative side-effects. If you haven't seen, you can only imagine the negative side effects.

Another day in comic paradise......


Blogger Miss Marisol said...

Yes, the Bozotox comment got me,too. I love a good play on words.

4:07 PM  

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