Friday, April 22, 2005

Here It Comes

Luann and Berniece have been known to butt heads before, but the stage has been set for quite the showdown as Gunther has asked both of them to the prom. Will he escape fairly unscathed while the girls duke it out? And who will win? Will Luann end up going with the short, scrunchy greaser? And didn't this current storyline sort of push the whole Brad/Toni Daytona thing out of the picture for the time being? Will Dirk resurface with a hard-on for kicking some Brad-butt?

Who'd've thunk a strip I've been reading since 1978 would become so.....involving?

At least we know how the search for Snoopy's mom goes - though I seem to recall it having a bit more in the way of twists and turns. Hmmmm.


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