Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Naughty Nyuk-Nyuk's

As my wife pointed out this morning, there was a bit of subtle sexuality at hand in the funnies.

First, "Luann", which yesterday had Miss Phelps dolling up for a passing Mr. Fogarty. Today, she invites him in to her office, to which he responds "I feel I'm about to be scolded for doing something bad." Her reply? "Would you enjoy that?" Rowwwwl.

Then "For Better Or For Worse", dealing with Deanna and Michael's move into new digs, has them assembling their bed and discovering that it now makes an awful squeaking noise. Deanna: "Michael, we can't sleep on a bed that sounds like this!" Michael: "Sure we can. If we're not sleeping, it's a problem." Hooo! Let parents across the country explain that punchline to their kids! (Perhaps the kids already know....)


Blogger Miss Marisol said...

So, I totally thought of you today when I was reading the comics. I actually said to my boyfriend, "I bet Futch is going to blog about this FBOFW strip today..."

It was really confusing to me because I don't think she meant for it to be about sex....Mike and Deanna's faces look really freaked. I think she meant they won't sleep much because of having small children and stress, blah blah.

But, I'm with you, and probably most of the country...It sure seems like they are implying something naughty!!

Oh, and Get Fuzzy was great. I love a good play on words...

2:53 PM  
Blogger Bing Futch said...

Now that you mention it, I can see how that line would read the other way. But what if it was really just a matter of the syndicate saying, "uh, no - not that frisky, k?" But then again, this is the strip that showed Ellie stumbling through the middle of the night and plopping down on a wet toilet seat. (Graciously off-panel, of course. The sound effects were wicked.) In any case, what can I say? I've got a dirty mind.

This is the first time someone's gotten me to go check out a strip; thanks for the tip! I forget that you've got like, sixteen pages of comics in your city (what is up with Orlando, anyway? it's Mayberry with money). Time being what it is, I don't get around to as many strips as I'd like to, but that one was sure worth the effort. "Takes bait, less killing" needs to be on a t-shirt.

keep the tips coming, much appreciated!



6:34 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Okay, help me out here. I am a faithful Get Fuzzy reader, and I am puzzling over the comic strip you just mentioned. I googled "takes bait, less killing," and your site was the only hit. What is Conley referencing?

Shoot me an email: tharps AT gmail DOT com.


2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came across the "Get Fuzzy" With "Takes bait!" "Less Killing!" "Why am I thirsty all of a sudden?" and your blog was the only hit on google too. So I googled just "less killing" and thirsty and came across "Modern Drunkard" magazine. Apparently the first prehistoric man beer chant went "Taste Grates! Less Killing!". I assume that's what conley's referring too, right?

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a play on a classic Miller Lite beer commercial. It involved a debate between "tastes great" and "less filling".

11:17 AM  

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