Monday, March 07, 2005

The Extremes of Tooniness

My first commentary on a Sunday strip has to do with "Boondocks", normally a quizzical little comic that prominently features an angry young black kid and his somewhat dysfunctional family (a universe that so-far features only one female figure, a sister of some sort). The strip is more chuckle-inducing than flat-out funny, and spends a lot of time toeing the line of severe social commentary, but yesterday's one-panel gem featuring Pinky and the Brain of "Animaniacs" as new Wal-Mart employees was an absolute scream.

Well, it happened. In today's Doonesbury, the reaction to the death of Hunter S. Thompson has surfaced as a madly funny bit of surrealism. I don't know if it will be a one-strip joke or if the concept of Duke's "nasty karmic shift" will play out, but the third panel pay-off, rendered in all its Ralph Steadman-esque glory, is totally priceless.


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