Friday, March 04, 2005

Whaddya call it?

Just a brief popping-in to say it's been busy - quite a few times this week, I had to rush out of the house so fast that there was not even times to read the funnies.

I know - GASP!

I happened to notice that "Zits" was very, very funny this morning, however (the personification of Jeremy's mom as a can of chopped liver was hysterical), I also noticed that a suit of armor popped up two days in a row, first in "Hagar" and then today, in - well, I can't think of it off the top of my head, but it brought to mind something that I think of as "comic synchronicity".

It's when, for one reason or another, two or more strips carry similar themes, punchlines or visual gags on the same day. I've often wondered if some cartoonists don't consult with one another and plan that sort of thing or if it just happens. Excepting holidays and national tragedies.


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